Working for the Monkey Revolution... one banana at a time.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


My fellow monkeys.

Having successfully achieved the grade of Distinct Distinction in my Bachelor of Cheek degree, I have recently attended my graduation ceremony. I thought it would be inspiring for you to see the achievements of a simple floppy monkey after a period of hard study.

Remember, the revolution will need educated monkeys to run the simian society of tomorrow. Monkeys, get that education!

Comandante Monkey, BC (Hons)


Blogger Unknown said...

Hola Comandante Monkey !

We are a group of dedicated individuals, based in the UK and on the continent. Your blog has inspired us to join the International Simian Revolution.

Although well integrated into human society and leading ordinary lives, we are willing to undergo secret military training and to risk our lives for the cause.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours fraternally.

Comrade Tom B. Monkey
Gaby, el simio maximo (Barcelona)
Almanzo Monkey (London)
Clara Singe (Paris)
Samson Simio (Valencia)
Pachita Simio (Madrid)



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