Working for the Monkey Revolution... one banana at a time.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Monkey and Dog

Here's one of our brethren engaging in a rather cheeky training program.

It looks like it'll take a while before he gets this dog fully trained.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Books for Monkeys

Good news, Monkeys!

One of our number has convinced his humans to set up a book shop. It is located in Bath, UK, and is called Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights.

The Book Monkey himself even has his own blog.

I'm sure the Book Monkey will be able to help out with any books or information you require, such as political tracts, gorilla warfare manuals or copies of Planet of the Apes to read around the camp fires while eating toasted bananas.

The Book Monkey has put together a special selection of Monkey books.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


My fellow Monkeys.

We need all the technological tools we can get our hands and prehensile tails on.

Small portable computers with internet access are essential, as we must maintain secure communications with our simian comrades.

I have acquired a few suitable units. With a bit of jiggery-pokery, it is possible to get full internet connectivity. Remember to use the skills of the tech-minded monkeys in your local group.

For your inspiration, here is a photo of me demonstrating a completed unit.

Friday, July 28, 2006


Vive la Revolution, my fellow Monkeys!

This blog will serve as a source of information and entertainment to all my simian comrades through the long struggle ahead. May you always have many bananas and big bellies.

I present my first silent movie, titled "A Dancing Monkey?" You may show it at your local political orientation meetings for purposes of morale-boosting.

I will return soon with more news and information for you.

Hasta la Banana!